OSCAL Baseline Reviewer

Surveying SP800-53 controls as modified by your OSCAL profile


The Control Reviewer is an enhanced OSCAL catalog viewer designed to present the selections and adjustments made to the SP 800-53 control catalog by a baseline (described as an OSCAL profile), either as selected, or as loaded by the user. (Currently it only shows control selection, not control alterations or parameter settings; those are next.)

It can also be used plain, as a simple browser for the SP 800-53 control catalog.

Note: this analysis does not examine the documents actually linked (imported) by your profile. Instead, it examines every import directive as if the SP800-653 Rev 5 catalog were its intended source. For reference and comparison, please see the SP 800-53 Rev 5 catalog (copy) in this repository.

Limitations / tbd:

The SP 800-53 Baseline Reviewer is an OSCAL demonstration. Use with appropriate caution as disclaimers apply.

Data processing on this page runs entirely in your browser, under SaxonJS. No data is transferred to any other party, monitored or analyzed in any way other than what is displayed.